The architcture world is full of color. Each idea has its ownflow, its own signature. People are differenet in so many ways.
We have this philosophy here that adaptation to our clients taste is crucial for our images to be perceived as beautiful. Taste is different with different people, so we cannot possibly rely on just having a STYLE of visuals, but more like adjusting to different perspectives. This is clearly visible in our portfolio, where there are so many different kinds of styles and approaches, which we take pride in as professionals. Showing the capacity to go outside of your personal perceptions, in my opinion, is where you move further from mediocrity. This is yet another strength of ours.
First and foremost our Clients vision – the architectural projects is a rezult of different aspects that only the ones designing it have compiled and made decisions based on them. We always try to comunicate with our clients as much as possible:
Waht is the purpose of the project .
What aspects have influenced what decisions.
What is the ideal way to represent this idea according to designers or investors .
What is the target audience of the marketign campaign.
The ideal way of communication in the first steps of getting aquainted with the projcets is by asking questions, discussing, brainstorming and in most cases- exchanging references.
Differentiating between styles is not always an easy task, though.
This often needs a lot of trial and error, back and forth between clients and 3D artist, especially if it is a first time project. During the years, we have come up with a workflow implementing different tecniques to work alongside of our clients design teams – suggesting ideas, brainstorming, giving different options for styles, lighting approach, materiality, mood, etc.
In first glance it all seems too time consuming and hectic, but our experience shows that making the extra steps in the beginning always pays of in the long run.
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